In 1954, the U.S. military detonated its largest nuclear explosion ever, known by the code name Castle Bravo, by utilizing a unique mixture of fissile and fusile materials. Needless to...

In 1954, the U.S. military detonated its largest nuclear explosion ever, known by the code name Castle Bravo, by utilizing a unique mixture of fissile and fusile materials. Needless to say, it went well above and beyond its stated mission at 2.5x its expected yield. And in 2022, ‘Merica Labz looks to take its lunch money, hit on its mom and spit in its cereal – utter domination. After all, that’s the ‘Merican way.

Castle Bravo is the pre-workout equivalent of mutually assured destruction and packed with enough stimulants to put the fear of God almighty into anyone that comes across you. As Oppenheimer once said, “come for I am death, the destroyer of the worlds.” Drop a f$#*ing bomb on your next workout.

Product Type: Pre-Workout (Caffeinated)
Suitable For: Men & Women
Assists: Energy / Motivation / Focus / Endurance / Pump
Ideal Use: Pre-Workout

Who Can Use Castle Bravo Pre-Workout?

Castle Bravo can be used by both men and women to help build muscle and burn fat when combined with the appropriate nutrition and training program. It is more suited to people with higher tolerances to caffeine and associated energy ingredients.

How To Use Castle Bravo Pre-Workout?
Mix 1/2 - 1 scoop of Castle Bravo with 500-1000ml of COLD water and consume 30 minutes before training.

*Always start on a low dosage to assess tolerance (MORE does not = Faster Results!)
* DO NOT consume more than 2 scoops per 24hr period

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